Dungeons & Dragons is perhaps the best known of all RPG and still commands a popular position in the Role-playing Game market is on it's 5th Edition. Started off by Gary Gygax as a single book that required the 'Dungeon Master' to use his or her imagination it developed into a Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and a multi-book industry. It's core system is the basis for pretty much all RPG rules to this day. Just click on the image for more information...

Tunnels & Trolls RPG has been around since 1975 and provide a fun-filled, action-packed system in which both the Dungeon Master and the players have complete freedom of action. Yes you can use TrollWorld which is in the back of the extensive rulebook.... but you don't have to. If you want to set your game in a horse and musket era in an alternate timeline you can.... it is entirely up to you. If you want to play solo to get your Experience Points up (or it's sunny outside) then you can. Just click on the image for more information...
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